Tuojian TJ2688 A1 tandartsstoel complete tandheelkundige behandelstoel met sensorlicht
Tuojian TJ2688 A1 tandartsstoel complete tandheelkundige behandelstoel met sensorlicht
Voorzien zijn van:
1. Allemaal bestuurd door de elektrische klep;
2. Gelijkstroommotor
3. Automatisch thermostatisch watervoorzieningssysteem
4. Handstukslangen met standaardfittingen (3sets), Driewegvering (één voor warm, één voor koud) (2sets), Waterafzuiging en speekselafzuiger (met schakelaar) (1set), Krachtige zuiginrichting (elk 1 set)
5. Eenvoudige reiniging Integraal en draaibaar kwispedoor van gehard glas
6. Sterk en zwak tweevoudig gebruikslicht (1 set), X-filmviewer (1 set)
7. Watergezuiverd systeem met ingebouwde fles
8. Spirit lock strak Evenwichtsapparaat
9. Artsenkruk (1set), Voetpedaal (1set)
10. Geschikt voor hoofdsteun voor volwassenen en kinderen.
Spanning: 110V-240V, 50Hz/60Hz
Luchtdruk: 0,55 MPa
Waterdruk: 0.2MPa-0.4MPaMP
Hoogste positie:860mm
Laagste positie:440mm
Instrumentenblad:standaard:onderbouw, optie:bovenmontage
Kleur: 7 kleuren optioneel;
Netto gewicht: 200kg
Brutogewicht: 250kg
Verpakkingsgrootte: 136*95*112cm;
Top-mounted instrument tray(bottom-mounted instrument tray is optional)
Inside the instrument tray, all the pipelines adopt acid and alkali resistant water pipes and air pipes, of which the normal service life reach up to 3 years. With five fixed instrument holders, it can satisfy various surgical needs of the dentist.
The handpiece rack of the instrument tray is designed with a balanced sense, height and inclination suiting to place instruments, in order that the dentist can conveniently replace tools during dental surgery.
The instrument tray adopts 40×70mm size design, in order to maximize the room for dentist to place surgical supplies and tools.
Adjustable pillow
The adjustable pillow makes it possible for patients to adjust their head easily.
Realize ergonomic design so as to ensure patients stay comfortable during the treatment process.
Automatic thermostatic water supply system
The system guarantees the patients a more comfortable experience rather than cold water stimulation.
Handpiece tubing with standard fittings (3 sets)
It is used to place the spare handpiece during operation, in order to prevent the handpiece arbitrarily placed on table from pollution.
Three way syringe (one for hot water, one for cold water)
The three way syringe adopts stainless steel detachable nozzle with high temperature and high pressure disinfection, and the water in which can also be filtered to guarantee safety and no pollution.
Water suction and saliva ejector
The strong and weak water suction and saliva ejector will be used according to different conditions, which can get rid of the saliva produced by the patient in the treatment and make it convenient for later operation.
The water suction and saliva ejector weights less than 200g so that it is lightweight and portable.
Optie Kleur: